Spesifikasi Kanzen Auriga
Panjang : 1900 mm
Lebar : 695 mm
Tinggi : 1180 mm
Jarak Sumbu Roda : 1230 mmJarak Terendah ke Tanah : 135 mm YB42JK7RHVN3
Berat Kosong : 99 kg
Type Rangka : Full frame – Underbone
Type Suspensi Depan : Teleskopik
Type Suspensi Belakang : Lengan ayun suspensi ganda
Ukuran Ban depan : 2,50 – 17
Ukuran Ban Belakang : 2,75 – 17
Rem Depan : Tromol
Rem Belakang : Tromol
Kapasitas Tangki : 3,8 liter
Type Mesin : 4 Langkah SOHC, Pendingin udara
Susunan Silinder : Silinder tunggal. Sudut 10ยบ dari horizontal
Diameter Langkah : 50 x 49,5 mm
Volume Langkah : 100 cc
Daya Maximum : 6.26 / 8500 (ps / rpm)
Torsi Maksimum : 7.2 / 5500 (Nm / rpm)
Kapasitas Oli : 0,8 liter
Kopling : Otomatis Sentrifugal. Tipe basah, tipe ganda
Gigi Transimisi : 4 percepatan
Pemindahan Gigi : N-1-2-3-4-N, sistem rotary
Starter : Pedal dan Elektrik
Battery : 12V – 5Ah
Pengapian : AC – CDI
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Retro Minerva Photo
Intention PT Minerva Motor Indonesia (MMI) to enliven the retro trend in Indonesia by bringing the motor Anyar Pepe Minerva Sachs seems to become stronger.Even the candidate's face motorcycle retro chic Minerva has been displayed at their booth located in the PRJ."Pepe already appeared in PRJ," said GM Sales and Marketing MMI Apong Arfiansyah to detikOto, Sunday (07/11/2010).Retro Minerva Photo
Apong divulge further if Minerva Minerva plan will be presenting this to the Indonesian Pepe fastest in December 2010 or early 2011 is coming.And the presence of this motor in the face PRJ according to mempekenalkan Apong first before launch time comes."Not (sold). If not so early in December 2011," he added.
Drawing on the European motor base Benelli Pepe, Pepe Minerva too sure be well received by the Indonesian market.
Moreover, if in Europe there was only reinforced by the motor 50 cc engine, in Indonesia later the engine capacity will be increased to 125 cc.
Also Pepe Minerva Sachs alone has a fantastic design and tend to rounded. Minerva promoted retro design is claimed to be better than a retro design that brought the Japanese manufacturer.
"In Europe, this model is very successful in the market, and better than the Japanese design," said MMI President Director Kristanto Goenadi some time ago.
Honda PCX Bongsor
Wow really crazy big. That line was definitely out of the mouths of people who saw the Honda Si Bongsor PCX. Honda motorcycles are the most expensive body does look great for the size of the motor with an automatic transmission that circulated in this PCX Honda Indonesia.Si Bongsor dibanderol approximately USD 32 juta.Honda PCX this looks great for the size of the motor with an automatic transmission which circulates in IndonesiaDengan all these attributes, PCX can be used to surround the city, despite a fairly high skill needed to nyelap weaving because of body bongsor.Jika PCX who want to open the trunk of the Honda PCX enough SEAT button near the lock motor. SEAT is pressed and we are now holding up this jok.Motor injection engines 125 cc.